The 'right wing monkey poo' Technology site (see assumption 3 for clarification) 'arts technica' just published the following article entitled:Congress to examine "the Internet" as a tool for homegrown terrorism. There is nothing remarkable or particulary interesting about the article other than a few incorrect assumptions the author makes to essentially say, "nothing to worry about here folks, go back to sleep, it's for your own good anyway" Let me show you why.
Assumption one:
"The section quoted above is, in fact, the only specific mention of the Internet in the bill."So what? - The bill only mentions the internet specifically once therefore it isn't really too much to worry about???? let's say I've decided that your Grandmother's personal internet communications are deemed offensive and she's marked as a dissident, it's declared that she's a homegrown terrorist and she's sent to a detention centre without trial, but there is only one picture of her, does that mean it didn't happen? clearly not!
"The remainder of the "findings" only vaguely address a need to understand, prevent, and combat homegrown terrorism in the US—all of which are noble goals—with the Internet being the only tool singled out."The author is already 'sold' on the idea that clamping down on privacy is for your benefit and these methods are 'noble goals'.
Truth one: Anyone is a potential target:
"Because the bill leaves all definitions up to the committee, critics like Philip Giraldi worry that it will be used to target just about everyone who dislikes some aspect of government policy."Assumption three:
"Writing for the left-leaning Huffington Post, Giraldi argues that the act "could easily be abused to define any group that is pressuring the political system as 'terrorist,' ranging from polygamists, to second amendment rights supporters, anti-abortion protesters, anti-tax agitators, immigration activists, and peace demonstrators. "The author feels compelled to point out the Huffington post 'leans to the left' so of course the only truthful opinion presented in this article can be dismissed. They are liberals - they probably eat monkey poo too, so ignore them.
Assumption four:
"In reality, of course, it will be primarily directed against Muslims and Muslim organizations."Will it? This is certainly not the reality you or I live in. This is just wishful thinking, based on no fact what so ever. Believe what they tell you obedient citizen. go back to sleep!
Technorati categories: News, technology, Politics, internet, digg, wired
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